Overflowing Joy

A Florida Son-burn!

That's what Your kind of Transformation is... isn't it, Lord? A Son-burn on the inside. ""... [Jesus] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."  (Matthew 3:11) A complete, major, thorough change into someone or something different.  An extreme, radical change. "... the old has gone, the new is here!"  (James 5:17) You have called me...
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Let The Party Never End!!!

It was an AWESOME party! It was as if the whole community had come together for a Celebration to end all celebrations!  I saw streamers and balloons... and I heard lots of cheering.  And I knew why, too.  We all did... well, almost all of us. You had moved mightily, Lord!  Throughout the whole community!...
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What’s In A Word???

I was soaking in Your Word this morning, Lord, as I so love to do. I was thinking about the amazing truth that Your Word -- the Bible -- is the most published book in the entire universe of books.  In the history of all time. Then, as if You had whispered into my ear, I...
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X-Rated Search

You are the ultimate Search Engine, Lord. You direct every inquiry -- no matter how bizarre or even "x-rated" -- to a particular place at a particular moment.  Always for Your good purposes... ... and for the sake of those You love. It is impossible for us to fully understand this amazing Truth this side of Heaven......
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Fare Well

Oh, Lord... Friendship is a beautiful Gift. We said "Goodbye" tonight to the many snowbirds who live around our lake.  Or rather, "Farewell."  Hoping they will "fare well" as they return to their northern homes until next winter, when they "fly" south yet again. I felt like crying. Was it because we spent the evening laughing...
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In Search of Bigger Containers?!

What container is big enough, Lord? Certainly not my body! I've been ready to "jump out of my skin" all day long.  Because my body is too small for the JOY I feel inside! "... yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior."  (Habakkuk 3:18) At one point...
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Can We Date, Lord?

Yesterday, I was anticipating my "movie date" with You, Lord.  Watching "The Passion of the Christ."  My annual tradition since the DVD first came out many years ago. Last night, the anticipation became Reality.  And today... I am not the same. How can I witness the horror of Your suffering, Lord, and not be changed?...
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Looking Back… Leaping Forward!

Planes don't have rear view mirrors. But people should never be without them. Today is the place where LIFE happens... isn't it, Lord?  It's where we are in any given moment.  The NOW. Today can also be a place where we get stuck.  Where we camp out... veg out... hide out. Maybe it's from uncertainty.  Often, it's fatigue.  Way too...
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Missing One Miracle!

I have been "gearing up" for Comet Sightings this week. The last time a comet came this close to Earth was 250 years ago.  That's one such "celestial event" in many lifetimes.  For You, Lord, that would be four such events in one day! "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and...
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I Didn’t Know… But You Did, Lord!

I was going to our monthly networking group.  Women from all walks of life, encouraging and supporting each other. You gave me a "heart prompting," Lord.  I texted a dear "sister" to see if she was going, so we could sit together and hug in person.  She responded, "Yes, I'm on my way!" I didn't...
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