Climbing Higher

The Queen of Cruise Control!

The speed limit was clearly marked. 55 miles per hour. Everyone else was going at least 70. Suddenly, 55 didn't seem so fast anymore. Why are there speed limits anyway, Lord? I don't believe it's just to "cramp" our style. Aren't they primarily intended for safety -- at least, under normal weather and road conditions?...
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Pitiful, Power-full Parable!

How could so much effort yield such a pitiful harvest? We thoroughly tilled the soil. Added plenty of natural fertilizer. (Yes. The farmer's favorite -- cow manure.) We planted good seed. As far as we were able to discern, at least. We waited and watched... and weeded. We even assembled bear-grade electric fencing when the...
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Surf’s Up… YIKES!

If ever there was a time for higher ground, the time is NOW. We've had way too much rain in the last week. As much as 5 inches in as many hours. We're in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Meaning the rain at higher elevations combines with our own. Which produces... FLOODING!!! Like...
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Dressed to Kill… !!!

I don't mean that colloquial expression: "All dolled up in fancy clothes." I mean dressed to turn something alive into something dead. Dressed to kill that something, literally. Once and for all. Thanks to You, Lord, this happened to me twice today. Concerning two enemies that needed to be put out of my misery. One was a large...
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What? When? Where? How?

I've been struggling with this post, Lord. Son-day is a time for reflection about my recent encounters with You. One in particular stood out to me the moment it happened. Somehow, I knew instantly it would become the subject of today's post... ... even though I haven't yet fully grasped all the ways You want...
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Beam Me Up, Scotty?!

I love the tag line AT&T came up with years ago, touting the benefits of the telephone in connecting loved ones separated by long distances: "It's the next best thing to being there." I guess for us, Lord, that tag line refers to prayer... right? Without a landline or cell phone in sight. Without a Facebook...
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Beware of “Cyber-Germ-itis”

It must have been a computer virus, Lord. I didn't realize they were so... contagious! Yesterday morning, I was supposed to have a teleconference with a dear Forever Sister. I had emailed her the day before with the dial-in instructions. She had emailed me back, saying she had picked up a respiratory flu "bug" and...
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Pretzel Thinking

Pretzels of the twisted kind.  Thinking of the twisted kind.  I heard it just yesterday.  From those who claim to love You, Lord. Even me...?  Not yesterday, perhaps. But I am certainly not immune... " yourselves, or you also may be tempted."  (Galatians 6:1) We were talking about events in our day.  How, increasingly, the...
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Reaching For The Stars!

I must have gained a new level of Healing, Lord.  By Your grace, of course.  How else could it have happened? You have given me a Message to share.  Some dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ have challenged me to venture far beyond my comfort zone.  By taking the initiative to search out and contact people with......
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Maybe my name isn't really Diana after all.  Could it be that it's really Alice, Lord?  That's certainly how it has seemed these last few days! Like I fell down a rabbit hole and ended up in DownUnderLand.  The place where... ... automobile steering wheels are on the right side.  (As opposed to the "wrong"...
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