In The Wee Hours…

I love that Time and Space, Lord… in the Wee Hours. That time and space between Dreaming and Waking.  Where no distractions dwell.  Where there is only… You. Where I can express my love to You from its well in my heart.  With nothing and no one competing for my attention. Like this morning. How

The Miracle of Father-Daughter Love

I witnessed a miracle today, Lord.  My tears of joy made a puddle around me. The Miracle of Father-Daughter love.  Or was it Daughter-Father love? It was both. They were estranged almost their whole lives.  Because the father had mistreated the daughter.  Big Time.  Such mistreatment at such tender ages yields such bitterness.  And estrangement

The “NO” That Became “YES!”

We were scheduled to meet today.  Me… and a sister-in-Christ who is precious to me. Scheduled… until last night. I received an email suggesting we postpone for a month.  For a reason that concerned her heart… but not mine. I responded immediately, sharing my heart with her.  My willingness — no, my eagerness — to proceed as planned.

Our Source… of Light and Lightning!

We had gathered for prayer.  Just three of us?   NOT!   🙂 “For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.”  (Matthew 18:20) We are just beginning our journey.  With You, Lord… and with each other.  We were sharing how You had “spoken” to us in the past week.

We Need Spiritual Fireworks, Lord!

It’s July 4th.  The celebration of Independence Day for our nation.  Ordinarily, it’s a day of family picnics and fellowship and fireworks.  Oh, Lord… Has it also been a celebration of the amazing Gift of Freedom? “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with their Creator

Friend Me, Jesus!

Today’s ZOOM meeting — the one I was hosting — had to be cancelled.  At the very last minute.  It was no surprise to You, Lord.  But it was to me. Our satellite Internet at home on the mountain won’t support that technology.  I had made arrangements to use the conference room of a business

When Just One Is… Enough

“You are the only one who has come.” My neighbor was crying when she said this.  Crying as I held her in my arms.  I couldn’t believe my ears. My neighbor has lots of family and friends.  She is active on Facebook and had recently revealed the source of her pain. Her father is dying. Her