Skippy, My Purr-fect Teacher

Fifteen hours and 900 miles later, we are nestled into our little mountain retreat in Virginia.  Thank You, Lord, for our safe arrival! Surrounded by boxes, I am looking forward to the “nesting” I love to do whenever we travel.  Finding a place for everything. Putting everything in its place.  “Breaking in” our “home-away-from-home” again — trying

Help My Unbelief!

“I’m not worth it.” Remember the first time I said that to You, Abba?  It was May 20, 1987… my spiritual birthday.  It was the first time I had said it to You, but not the first time I had thought it. You had made Yourself known to me three times during the previous thirteen

Ready for Heart Surgery

Lord, Lord, Lord… I just got home from my second of two, back-to-back days of intense introspection.  It was my business coaching club.  Christian business owners — men and women — You have called to build various enterprises.  Enterprises that provide valuable services to their (our) customers while advancing Your Kingdom. Once again, I plan to very

Standing at the Threshold…

Precious Lord, I don’t have the energy to journal tonight.  After too few hours of sleep last night and a long day of intense introspection, I am physically and mentally spent.  Maybe that’s the very reason I had such a profound encounter with You today, Abba.  I was too tired to have my guard up,

Light My Fire!

Like a pilot light in a windstorm… Sometimes, it’s hard to stay LIT. I was with a precious brother-in-Christ today.  He is trying to be Your Light, Lord, within the organization where he works.  But it’s hard.  He has taken a stand about a significant issue facing his organization.  His position, grounded in Your Word, does

Building “Courage Muscles”

Lately, I’ve heard a lot of people say they are just “coasting.”  [Isn’t that a good time for them to check and see if they are headed downhill?]  Others are just “going with the flow.”  [What happens when they get to the waterfall?] The Path of Least Resistance is often inviting and compelling.  Unless those who follow

31,102 God Encounters?!

I was with a precious sister-in-Christ this morning, in a beautiful place… seeking You.  Why should I be surprised, Lord, that we could encounter You today — I mean really encounter You — by simply meditating on one verse in the Bible? Not just one particular verse.  It could be any verse… couldn’t it, Lord?  Why?

Necessary Tears

I wish I could say they were “happy” tears… but no amount of wishful thinking would make it so. They came from deep inside me, from that place of grief where Hope collides with Reality and comes away bruised.  And the saddest thing about those tears was the place where they happened — in church this

Prove Your Humanity

That’s what my computer said, as I tried to log on tonight. It asked for my password, then issued a challenge to me:  “To prove your humanity, solve this.”  It was a simple equation.  5 + 2 = …  I guess the theory is a machine (or a monkey?) wouldn’t know (or be able to type)