Where is Hope Hiding?

HOPE. It’s something we all need and long for.  Like a cool drink of water on a hot summer day.  Like an oasis in a desert wilderness. Like an IV in an Intensive Care Unit.  Like a Miracle in a Sea of Impossibility. I don’t know, Lord…  Sometimes, when I look too much at the world’s

Pulling “A Skippy”

Sometimes, I wonder if Skippy isn’t just a little “strung out.”  Maybe a little too much napping in the catnip for her own good? I have never owned a cat before, so maybe this is something that’s totally normal — something that just comes with Cat Territory. But here’s the thing:  Skippy chases her tail

The Answer is Blowin’ in the Wind!

I was not in a boat today, nor was I in a storm.  But I felt a little like Your disciples must have felt the time You joined them in their boat and rescued them from a storm. “What kind of Man is this?  Even the winds and the waves obey Him!”  (Matthew 8:25) I was

Priceless Promptings

I remember the first “Heart Prompting” I ever sensed was from You, Lord.  I will treasure it always. It happened in 1986.  Thirteen months before I opened my heart to You for the very first time. I was in my second (and last) year of graduate school.  I was back in my hometown after almost

No Going Back

Today is Easter.  Obviously, Lord, we (those of us who love You) celebrated Your Resurrection today!  The Fact that You are ALIVE, now and forever!   How ironic it is that someone would ask me, today of all days, to do the one thing that is impossible for me to do.  As if this particular

Mercies in Disguise

Why did you lead me here today, Lord?  Is it because I spent most of yesterday soaking in the terrible, wonderful Truth of Your Cross?  The place of the most horrific death ever, 2000+ years ago… now, the most beautiful symbol in the whole Universe? “He has appeared once for all at the culmination of

Out of Gas… Gratefully!

How could running out of gas end up filling me to overflowing, Lord??? We had everything we needed yesterday… or so we thought.  A beautiful day.  A favorite get-away.  A heart for adventure!  A bait bucket full of live shrimp.  A stash of cold waters.   A tube of sun block.  A couple of wide-brimmed hats.

The Power of KNOWING

Sometimes, you just know. You know you are lost… and there is no way home.  There is no “home” You know you are broken… and you can’t be fixed.  There is no “whole.” You know you are caught… and there is no way out.  There is no “way.” But then… Suddenly, gradually, impossibly, wonderfully… You KNOW you are