Looking Back… Leaping Forward

Oh, Abba… Tonight, You had me do something unexpected — something I needed more than I realized.  You had me look back four years… to the days when You first birthed this journal.  Your reason for this, I later discovered, was far more important than just giving me a trip down Memory Lane. The journal entry quoted below was

Lord Who Woos Without Ceasing

How beautifully — and persistently — You “woo” us, Lord! It’s amazing to think that You, Lord — the Almighty Creator of the universe — would be lovesick for us, the objects of Your affection.  How does the One who spoke into being hundreds of billions of galaxies, each one made up of hundreds of billions

Counting Sheep Among Wolves

I can’t sleep, Lord. I keep replaying the conversation I overheard hours earlier.  A conversation that grieved my spirit… and Yours. A conversation of Division.  Division within a family. The Family. Your Family. Oh, Abba…  I am awake with so many questions: How do hurt feelings turn so quickly into bitterness? How does frustration with another

Tearfully, Gratefully, JOYFULLY

Oh, Abba… I heard (and saw) two deeply moving testimonials today, in honor of yesterday’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.  And my heart responded — tearfully, gratefully, JOYFULLY. One was a video of a busy highway in Jerusalem.  Cars and trucks filled all four lanes, all moving at high speed… until a loud siren wailed.  Not the siren of a

My Own Personal Leap Year

Oh, Abba… I couldn’t help but reflect today on the fact that some pretty significant things happen in four-year cycles. National elections, for one.  After a long season during which candidates espouse the “rightness” of their positions on Issues A to Z, we vote to select those we believe can best lead us into Tomorrow.  Leaders tackling future

How Quickly They Forget

OK.  So I don’t always hear about the latest “breaking news” until it’s been around awhile.  In this case, since Easter.  I just learned tonight about the latest claims that Your family tomb, Jesus, has been “found” in Jerusalem.  What makes it “tantalizing” (at least in the eyes of those pushing this story) is that they claim

Lord of New Possibilities

Recently, I met a woman on Death Row. Not the real Death Row reserved for people who have been found guilty of heinous crimes and are awaiting their execution. It was not even the “Death Row” we all experience prior to meeting You, Jesus, and embracing You as our Savior. “For the wages of sin

The Power of Your Presence

Oh, Abba… You often speak to me through the wonders of Nature You have created!  And You do it so often, it almost seems I can’t go outside anymore without feeling a heightened sense of anticipation.  What will You say today?  When You do speak like this, You never cease to amaze me.  Because You convey messages

Running on Empty

Today, my Inspiration reached its Expiration. I feel like a bicycle tire plagued with a long, slow leak.  The lack of air had me pumping my pedals harder and harder until I couldn’t go any farther. It’s hard to get anywhere on a flat tire. The leak started last night, when I fell asleep in front of

Beware of Spiritual Quicksand!

A friend of mine was hoping to catch some bait minnows the other day.  He crept slowly up to the bank of a stream so as not to scare them away.  He stepped on a patch of what looked like benign wet sand, and got a rude awakening.  Suddenly, his foot sank six inches in