Mindless… or Mindful?

We’re back in Hill Country again.  The foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains. The place that gives bicycling new meaning.  Where what goes UP must come DOWN… and vice versa! The place of Heartbreak Hill. It’s a hill we discovered this past summer on a route that added some mileage to our workout.  A “one-one”

What’s In My Safe???

Thanks to You, Lord, I have reduced my TV watching to almost nothing.  At least, compared to what it used to be!   🙂 My current average is about 30 minutes a day… mostly news.  Is that why I keep seeing the same commercials whenever I turn on the TV? “What’s in your safe?”  and

Tears That Burn, Tears That Bathe

I have cried many tears in my life.  I know now that You don’t ignore a single one, Lord. “You have taken account of my wanderings.  Put my tears in Your bottle — are they not in Your book?”  (Psalm 56:8, NASB) Many of my tears were Tears that Burn. Tears that were the overflow

A Personal Question

How often do we remain silent, Lord?  Wondering about something, yet reluctant — perhaps even afraid — to open our mouths and ask a question? A question we fear may reveal our ignorance.  Are we convinced this will “confirm” in someone else’s mind the destructive self-condemnations we ourselves have memorized? “I’m not smart enough.”  OR  “I’m too

Right On!!!

It’s way past my bedtime, Lord.  So this will be short tonight… We just got home after our full day of fishing.  The fishing that was postponed from yesterday due to the bad weather… and the good character of our guides! The weather today was cold… AND GORGEOUS!  Clear skies, sunny, little to no wind.

Got Character?

We had been planning this “First-in-a-Lifetime” experience for months. An all-day guided fishing adventure on the Chesapeake Bay, near the mouth of the Rappahannock River in Virginia.  A first for both of us. One more of those special “firsts” in life to be experienced together. Finally, Today was the day. We showed up at the

Ash Worship

No typo there. I didn’t mean to write Ash “Wednesday” — the start of the forty days leading up to Easter. The day marked by a sign of the cross on the forehead, often in ashes, as a sign of penance and witness. So what is Ash Worship? More fundamentally:  What are ashes?  How are

Love Match

“Draw me nearer, Lord.  Never let me go.  Closer to Your heart.  Draw me nearer, Lord.”  (By Design, from their CD “Sacred Refuge”) This was the song on my heart as I awoke this morning.  So I played it… and got goosebumps as You did just as I had asked You, Lord! Oh, Abba!  Jesus!