A Spoon + A Pink Napkin

An odd vision, to be sure. But that’s what popped into my mind as we were sharing our hearts this morning, Lord. You were reassuring me.  In the heat of battle.  Reminding me of Your Overcoming Power. Your All-sufficient Grace. I had just asked You how You resisted the devil after forty days in the

Going Back… Or Going Forward?

The battle has been fierce lately.  I can almost see the swords flashing beyond The Veil. Temptation stalking.  Wanting me to go back to my old patterns.  To give up the ground I have gained in recent months. “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking


Did You invent the “surprise party,” Lord? You must have.  You’re so good at surprises!!! The other day, You and I were just “hanging out.”  Forever Friends.  Yes… BFF’s! It was like a moment You describe in Your Word.  I could almost picture us there. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.  He makes me

The Beauty of Failure

Yikes!  Did I just say that??? What “beauty” can there possibly be in failure? The Beauty of Redemption.  The Redemption that is only made possible because of Failure. I was exhausted last night.  Exhausted from two weeks of running nonstop.  We had crammed too many activities into too little time. Some activities were wonderful!  Seeing friends.  Sharing hospitality.  Serving

Too Late To Create

Oh, Abba… I am so thankful to be Home!  After well over 600 miles of driving just today. On the road before dawn.  Pulling into our driveway well after dark.  Unloading and unpacking more boxes than I dared to count.  More awaits us tomorrow. For now, I guess it’s bedtime.  I’ve been sitting in front

More Than Fire Insurance

Is Hell real? This was the question a dear sister was wrestling with the other day.  She had gone through an extensive study on this some years ago.  The study apparently analyzed key words in various scriptures, seeking their meaning in the original ancient texts. According to my friend, the leaders of this study had concluded, “No.

A Feast For One… And All!

I wanted to feast on Your Word today, Lord. I wanted You to pick what I would “eat.”  So I let the Bible fall open.  Then I opened my eyes, which fell on this particular verse: “… but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to

The Wounds Of A Friend – Part 2

Sometimes I wonder, Lord, why I ever wonder. And I realize why one particular thing You ask of us is so vitally important. “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice…”  (1 Samuel 15:22) Yesterday, You called me to a simple act

The Wounds Of A Friend – Part I

Sometimes Truth hurts.  Sometimes it needs to. You reminded me of this Fact today, Lord.  When You took me into the recesses of my memory.  Back to The Day in 1977 when You saved me from suicide. In my desperate state, I had gone to a counselor that day.  For the very first time in

It All Depends On…

A promise is a promise… right, Lord? Sometimes it isn’t quite that simple.  Some promises are conditional. Parents are full of such promises.  Usually to potect and/or bless their children. “If you stick your finger in a wall socket, [then] you will get shocked.” “If you miss your curfew, [then] you will be grounded.” “If you