Troubleshooting… Or Just SHOOTING?!

Computers are our friends… right, Lord? At least, that’s what I tell myself over and over whenever I run into a technology problem. Like today. I have learned the hard way that the wisest course of action is usually to call Tech Support. I have even been known to pay an annual fee to make sure

You are Always WONDERFUL!

Funny how this blog post started this morning. I said, “Good morning!” to You, Lord, at 4:45 AM… and asked You how You were feeling today.  Then I answered for You: “You are always WONDERFUL!” Instantly, I “heard” that still small whisper in my spirit.  A correction as small as the change of one word.  A correction

“Just a Sinner” Saved By Grace???

I didn’t expect the path You would lead me on this morning, Lord.  But I joyfully follow You… excited to discover whatever breakthrough You have in store for me! Today’s journey began as I was speaking some Key Declarations You have given me concerning my security in You.  I came to one in particular: “I

Don’t Fence Me In!

We spent part of the last two days building a fence. More of a gate / fence combination, actually.  To keep people out of the wooded acreage next to our house. On the one hand, we are exhausted.  It takes a lot of effort to build a strong fence. Hauling five heavy, pressure-treated posts back and

In The Darkness Before Dawn

It was only a dream. I was running across a battlefield.  Weaving and dodging.  Weaving and dodging.  The bullets filled the air around me like horizontal rain… passing so close, I could feel the “breeze” of their velocity raise the hair on my neck. The bullets rained.  But they did not reign.  I remained… unscathed.

On Pins & Needles…!!!

Lord, Your timing never ceases to amaze me! By Your grace, Lord, I had the precious opportunity this past weekend to minister to some pastors’ wives as part of the women’s conference in New York. Just yesterday, I was talking with a dear sister-in-Christ who brought up the needs of pastors and their wives. “So

The Spark that Wouldn’t Give Up

We tried to light a fire tonight. After three days of torrential rains, dry wood was nowhere to be found.  We had stashed away a few pieces in our shed — pieces we had gathered last week from the low “river bottom” section of our property.  They had dried only partially since then. But the

Immeasurably MORE!

Lord!  That verse has meant so much to me in the 28 years since You first rocked my world by sweeping me off my feet! “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory

Treasuring Every Moment

Lord, Lord, Lord… My heart is full to overflowing!  You have poured out Your Living Water today in such abundance that I and the ground around me are drenched! Please don’t ever stop, Abba!  🙂 The miracles of Your divine orchestration today were too numerous to count.  Thirty-five sisters-in-Christ gathered in Your Presence, Lord… and after

Seat Selection… Spirit Style!

I used to keep my calendar and contacts the “old fashioned” way.  Paper and pencil or pen.  Little post-its that were forever migrating to who-knows-where.  Like the socks that keep disappearing in the dryer. Then I took a giant “leap” into the 21st Century!  (It only took me about 12 years to take my first