My Last Resort?!

It isn’t “what” happens that really matters… is it, Lord?  It’s how we respond to whatever happens. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in

Gratefully Seeing 3D!

The third “musketeer” had vanished. I had named them last summer.  Three beautiful horses in a single pasture, not far from our house.  One white, one brown, one black. I passed by there almost every day… and they were always together.  Not just in the same pasture, but together.  Side-by-side, whether grazing or frolicking or shooing flies.

Who Will YOU Choose to Lead Us, Lord?

The United States of America.  The first — and most powerful — major experiment in Democracy.  What an amazing privilege You have given us, Lord. Three branches of government to ensure a balance of powers instead of consolidation of Power. The privilege we have of voting to choose our leaders.  The opportunities we have to

Prophetic Gardening

I will never look at a vegetable garden the same again. We worked the ground until our sweat — and, yes, some blood! — became part of it.  (Thankfullly, only minor cuts and scrapes… thanks to our early battles with stubborn weeds and buried rocks). We strained our backs and knees — not to mention every muscle between

Finally and Forever!

How I long for that day, Lord — that day that will be unlike any other! “Look!  God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them.  They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God.  He will wipe every tear from their eyes.

Soaked in Sweat… and Spirit!

I was talking on the phone with a dear friend today.  Not from the comfort of our house.  I had to drive seven miles to get a cell phone signal.  Our landline was still out-of-order, thanks to its collision with farm equipment two days ago. I was in what we “affectionately” call The Cellphone Lot.  It’s

Faster than a Speeding Hummingbird!

This photo is a little fuzzy, Lord.  I took it today with a telephoto lens, through a screened window.  But what could I expect?  According to, this precious little beauty was beating his wings at approximately 70 beats per second and is able to fly an average of 25-30 miles per hour! Somehow the camera

Can You Hear Me Now?

It had been an amazing day so far, Lord! Seeing a huge buck grazing peacefully in our front yard in the cool of the early morning.  Long enough to capture his picture with my telephoto lens.  What a GIFT! Soaking in Your Word for an extended time — specifically, Scriptures through which You proclaim (and affirm)

The Power of Our YES

It’s amazing, Lord, how three little letters can combine into a single word so powerful it can change the course of a life, a nation… even the world. Perhaps the power of “YES” is really found in the questions it answers… and in the one asking those questions. A lightbulb just went on, Lord.  The serpent

Running On Empty

Company’s coming!!! Beloved family from 3,000 miles away!  We have been cleaning the house, planting flowers, picking vegetables, driving to the airport… all to wait for a plane that will be three hours late. No way to really journal on my phone tonight.  Late night ahead… Not back home before 2:00AM.  Trusting in Your tender