Seeking Intimacy

Table Etiquette, Jesus Style (Pt. 2)

There I sat.  In a meeting room filled with over 100 businesspeople, members of the Chamber of Commerce in a distant city. They had come to hear our state's U.S. Senator speak about business issues affecting them.  I had come to say, "Thank you" to this man of influence who had tried to help our medical mission, Samaritan's...
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Table Etiquette, Jesus Style (Pt. 1)

We hadn't eaten breakfast this morning. Our church service was rescheduled... just for today.  Moved almost two hours earlier to accommodate a special event at our sister church. I guess I was "hungrier" than I realized.  It's amazing how much better today's "food for thought" tasted on an empty stomach. "When someone invites you to...
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Grateful For Your Hug

It was so wonderful to be with my "northern sisters" again.  We had been separated for several weeks by our respective travels. We came together again this week... desperate (mostly) for You, Lord. The journeys -- and struggles -- we shared made me even more thankful You have brought us together... for such a time as...
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Present And Accounted For

Oh, Lord...  Sometimes Your absence is Your greatest kindness.  How else could You remind me of my utter hopelessness apart from You? It doesn't take long.  This, too, is Your Amazing Grace... isn't it, Lord?  A few hours away from You begins to feel like... forever. Thankfully, You're not really gone. "And surely I am...
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The Squatter Speaks!

The Squatter didn't show himself until well after dark. We had arrived at our mountain retreat after fifteen long hours of driving.  We had unloaded our truck, unpacked our bags and nestled into Sanctuary Hill. It was after 10:00 PM.  I don't know why I had gone to that particular spot in our kitchen. But when...
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Running My Red Lights???

We were talking on the phone.  An issue was troubling my dear friend... deeply.  She began to tell me about it... giving me the context -- the history -- so I could better understand The Present. She had barely started when she exclaimed: "I'm watching people run that red light!  They keep doing it!  Why...
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Hyperbaric Therapy… God-style!

As a therapeutic technology, a Hyperbaric Chamber shows great promise in healing infections.  By using greater atmospheric pressure -- three times what's normal -- the lungs are able to absorb more pure oxygen.  Oxygen which can then be sent throughout the body to fight bacteria. Was that what I just experienced, Lord??? I wasn't at a...
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Extra-Ordinary Prayer!

Sometimes the "Out of The Ordinary" generates Excitement... even Thrills.  Sometimes it provokes a sense of Adventure. Sometimes the kind of Surprise that delights the soul. Yet sometimes, it ushers in a sense of foreboding.  Like right now. My beloved business colleague and I should have been on the phone for forty minutes by now.  Catching...
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Sowing Deep

The opportunity I had prayed for materialized like an object being "beamed up" by the transporter on the Starship  Enterprise. The opportunity You had prepared for me, Lord, before the foundation of the world.  The opportunity to give my testimony of Your Life-saving Grace to these teenagers whose hopelessness has hardened their hearts to You....
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The Prayer Altar at Publix

Today, it was just inside the entrance. I hadn't planned it that way.  But You had, Lord... since before You created the earth.  What an amazing thought!  That something we might think is so "random" was planned out long ago by the One whose plans will not be thwarted. "For I know the plans I...
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