Kingdom POWER

Breaking Out… For Beauty’s Sake!

Is anything more beautiful than freedom? One of our founding fathers, Patrick Henry, said: "Give me liberty or give me death!",_or_give_me_death!  In a way, Jesus Christ said the opposite: "Give Me death, so I can give you liberty!"  Amen? I found a beautiful Kingdom POWER resource last night. I planned to blog about it this morning. Except...
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Resurrecting Titanic Power

A lot of "wanna be" power surrounded the Titanic. Prideful boasting: The greatest of all ships! Unsinkable! Oh, well. So much for prideful boasts. But isn't that the point? "... the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts... The tongue also is... a world of evil among the parts of...
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Slicing the Masterpiece Cake – Part 2

Kingdom POWER advances whenever Christians stand by faith in the face of opposition. History records that faith spreads explosively in the face of harsh persecution. Jack Phillips stood by faith when he declined to use his artistic abilities to create a masterpiece cake celebrating a same-sex marriage. After six years of expensive legal losses and...
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Supersize My Weakness… Please!

What self-respecting military bootcamp would ever market a course entitled "The Power of Weakness" as the essential foundation for Victory in battle? None. That's a fact. And maybe that's The Problem. Because as long as warrior training is self-respecting, it is blind -- hopelessly and irrevocably -- to the True Source of Power... The Lord Jesus...
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We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is…

Earthly power is addictive. Lord Acton put it in unmistakable terms: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Is this really true? If so, who gives (and/or assumes) such corrupting authority? Allen Ginsberg, one of the 20th century's most influential poets, was a founding father of the revolutionary countercultural Beat Movement. He...
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Heavenly Pruning… from Ow to Wow!

"There is a time for everything..." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) In business, there's no time like the present for Sustainability. And the path to sustainability directs us inevitably toward acceptable returns on the assets we deploy. Whether it's people, money or time, our corporate sphere of influence is best served when all of our assets are fully engaged...
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The Power of The Right Thing

I heard a Latin phrase years ago. In Latin, it was meaningless to me. Its translation? A Game Changer. Fiat Justicia et Pereat Mundus... Do the right thing, come what may. This is foundational to one of my favorite movies, Come What May, The Kingdom POWER lessons here are many and profound. I highly recommend it to anyone...
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Mirror, Mirror… Help Me See!

What do we really believe? A profound question. Because whatever we believe informs what we will do. The Lord calls us to be powerful witnesses of all He represents and holds dear. To move in power far beyond our own. "For man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  (Matthew 19:26) "You will...
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TRUTH… So Help Me God!

It's the oath for courtroom witnesses. To tell The Truth. The Whole Truth. Nothing but The Truth. A worthy oath. Attorney Nicolle Martin agrees. Ever heard of her? Me neither... until I received an email from an organization I greatly respect -- the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). Here's how Kristin Waggoner, Senior V.P. of ADF's...
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THE Unstoppable Voice!

As business leaders in our culture,  we often look to books, tools and/or training for empowerment. Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Essentials for Leadership Success. Step-by-step formulas that promise exceptional corporate results. But how do we become empowered for exceptional Kingdom results? For today... when faith-based hostility is on the rise in our post-Christian culture? And...
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