Kingdom POWER

Seeking The Glass House!

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Glass doesn't sound like the most durable material for a house... does it? But maybe it's the most durable of all. If we're living behind glass, people can see us. And maybe that visibility -- with its inherent vulnerability -- is exactly what we need to help...
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Which Leaders Measure Up?

We have been exploring what we can learn from battle-tested Christian business leaders to help us all lead more powerfully and impactfully for Christ in an increasingly challenging marketplace. But what lessons can (and must) we learn from followers? Much as been written about leadership qualities. Their vital importance in moving people and organizations from...
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Forewarned is… ???

We've all known some. Maybe we've even been one, at one time or another? Fair-weather fans. The ones who are all gung-ho... as long as their team is winning. Who are all-too-quick to jump ship and/or change allegiances when the going gets tough. No one wants to be identified with losers... right? Is that why...
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The Power of KNOW

Much wisdom has often been packed into "truisms." Like this one: Easy Come, Easy Go.  I can relate to the second part. The 2008 Dot Com debacle comes immediately to mind. :(  But what I lost when that bubble burst -- a significant chunk of lifetime savings -- had never come easily. So I relate much...
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Which Power Do YOU Trust Most?

Power is defined as "the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others in the course of events." How is power exercised in businesses and/or other organizations? Usually strategically. And with intentionality. Most often as a means. Sometimes, as an end. In a recent article on the web-based news source, Chron,...
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Defeating Bedroom Persecution!

On Wednesday, I introduced a touchy (no pun intended) subject whose correlation to Kingdom PERSECUTION might be missed by the casual cultural observer. The subject? Erotica aimed at women -- a.k.a. Romance Porn or Mommy Porn. A multi-billion-dollar industry that lures women (including Christians) into its net, under the guise of romance and redeeming love....
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Will You Friend Me, God?

Marshall McLuhan, a 1960's Canadian professor and philosopher, was ahead of his time. He is credited with predicting the World Wide Web thirty years before it was invented. And with initiating the now famous theory, "The medium is the message." What does this mean where the Internet and evangelism are concerned? Perhaps that Kingdom...
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When No One’s Watching… Wow!

The Lord just used a dear friend to provide today's post. Through a Facebook message he forwarded to me. Written 18 months ago, describing what was (for the post's writer) a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But I bet the same thing happens every day. Because the event described is evidence that the real Owner of the company...
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Are OUR Crutches Obsolete, Too?

How is Kingdom POWER mobilized, in the marketplace or anywhere else? What innovative approaches are required in today's culture of compromise? What can we decipher from this real-life encounter... ? Two disciples were telling people about Jesus. Not His principles to live by or even His good works. But His most defining moment: His resurrection...
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Civil Discourse? Or Civil War?

On Wednesday, I wrote about the increasingly ferocious rhetoric that characterizes much of our political discourse today. I couldn't help but pose these troubling questions: What kind of rhetoric (and the response it provokes) leads people from polite disagreement to empassioned persecution of those with whom we disagree? How does it start? Where does it...
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