When No One’s Watching… Wow!

The Lord just used a dear friend to provide today’s post. Through a Facebook message he forwarded to me. Written 18 months ago, describing what was (for the post’s writer) a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But I bet the same thing happens every day. Because the event described is evidence that the real Owner of the company

This Is My Stop. Let Me Off Now!

Discover Annapolis Tours, a fixture in Maryland’s capital since 1984, was famous for trolley weddings and tours of Annapolis. Making Annapolis a wedding destination city. Until January 1, 2013. Enter the Civil Marriage Protection Act. Approved by 52.4% of voters in a statewide referendum on November 6, 2012. Hailed by gay activists as a watershed

Can You Hear Me Now? (God Calling!)

What does it take to become one of the most powerful women in technology? And the most powerful woman in wireless? Just ask Cher Wang. Co-founder and Acting-Chairman of integrated chipset maker VIA Technologies (1987)… and subsequently, co-founder and Chairman of HTC (High Technology Company), Taiwanese consumer electronics giant (1997). At its zenith, HTC was

How Do I Tell Him, Lord?

I knew he had been ill. But there was a level of secrecy about it. Suggesting it must be serious. It is. He has cancer. I just discovered this days ago. He’s a “professional” friend. I met him through my husband. We see each other only occasionally. Mostly at professional functions gathering people nationwide. We

Are OUR Crutches Obsolete, Too?

How is Kingdom POWER mobilized, in the marketplace or anywhere else? What innovative approaches are required in today’s culture of compromise? What can we decipher from this real-life encounter… ? Two disciples were telling people about Jesus. Not His principles to live by or even His good works. But His most defining moment: His resurrection

From Toddlers… to Titans!

Most of us have little chance of meeting the Business Titan I highlight today. On Earth, at least. Not that he would consider himself superior. It’s just the nature of the different calls the Lord has for each of us… Amen? “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which

Running On Empty… ???

What is the technology equivalent of fumes, Lord? Like when a car’s fuel tank is almost empty and it’s running on fumes? When the yellow light silently screams its warning from the dashboard that we’ve just about reached the end of our rope? That’s the state of my cell phone right now. My iPhone 7,