Heavenly Ache

Oh, Lord… I heard a song today that I have loved for many years.  Whenever I hear it, it touches me in a place too deep to fully understand or describe.  Without fail, it brings me to tears from the very depths of my soul and spirit. Because each phrase touches a profound ache.  A

Well-Watered… and Well-Weeded

We saw the radar map this morning. A wide swath of heavy rain making its way toward us.  The last cold front in advance of Spring’s official arrival next week. So we changed our schedule. We hopped on our bicycles in the cool of the morning.  The still sunny morning.  We put in almost eleven

Chopping and Resting and…

I am DONE, Lord. In grilling language, would that be “well done”? NO.  It would be burned to a crisp.  Dry.  Too tough to chew.  Worthy of the trash can. That’s how I have felt in my struggles of late. Dry.  Dehydrated from the only Water that can quench me… Your Living Water, Lord. Burned

Maybe Next Week?

I raised my hand today. Funny how such a simple thing can seem like such a risky thing. I was participating in a live web-based training.  With some sixty people from all over the world.  So my hand was raised via technology, through one click of my mouse. Only the leader saw my “hand” raised.  I

Sacred Struggles

How do You do it, Lord? How do You take our struggles in a given moment and turn them into something sacred? “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.”  (2 Corinthians 12:9) In that sacred moment, You enable us to speak with authority, Lord.  Authority You delegate to us as Your

You Know Her, Lord…

It’s true, Lord… isn’t it? You know her… even better than she knows herself. I grieve for this dear sister, Lord.  And I “fight” for her… on my knees. So much is at stake… much more than she knows. But You know, Lord. You know her Name.  You know her Need. She’s Beautiful.  She’s Broken. You

Savoring Specks

I had never eaten one until two weeks ago. Specks.  Also known as “Crappie.”  Small, delicate fish caught in freshwater lakes. And beautiful, too! Two weeks ago, we had a feast!  An old-fashioned fish fry, thanks to the fishing prowess of our neighbor and friend.  I had never tasted anything like those specks.  So delicious, I savored every bite!

So Saith the Lord!

A question came by way of urgent text this morning.  A question with an unexpected invitation: Would I be at our prayer meeting this morning?  If so, could I lead? I wasn’t showered yet, but I was planning to go.  So I texted back, “Yes.”  We were to start in 90 minutes.  I could get my

I Didn’t Know… But You Did, Lord!

I was going to our monthly networking group.  Women from all walks of life, encouraging and supporting each other. You gave me a “heart prompting,” Lord.  I texted a dear “sister” to see if she was going, so we could sit together and hug in person.  She responded, “Yes, I’m on my way!” I didn’t

Death by Kudzu

I could hardly get to my desk. I had to step over and through seven piles of papers.  I know seven is Your number, Lord, for Perfection and Completion.  For me, it had become the number for Perfect Chaos! Important papers.  Projects I needed to work on, if I could just get my thoughts together.