Hope For The Helpless

When are voices of seeming confidence really just hollow whispers, Lord?  When the speakers have built their lives on quicksand… and don’t know it? I was invisible to the speakers.  Their conversation had already occurred, in a teleseminar held thousands of miles away.  I was listening to a recording.  An eavesdropper on history, with no opportunity to intervene. Listening to

Oral Care… God-Style!

I heard an amazing testimony yesterday, Lord.  Why am I not surprised?!    🙂 A dear friend had extensive dental surgery a few months ago.   For years, she had been prone to bouts of anxiety and depression.  Under normal circumstances, she expected her anxiety in anticipation of the surgery would be “off the charts.” But

A Crocus Extraordinaire!

I had a sudden memory just now, Lord. A vivid memory from years past, when I lived where winters were frigid and, often, snowy. The memory of a crocus pushing through the frozen ground.  Emerging from under its snowy blanket, as if finally realizing it was time to Wake Up. I remember its Breathtaking Beauty, made all the more magnificent by

Divine Close Encounter – Part 2

By Your Amazing Grace, Lord, I experienced two of these yesterday.  Each of them was life-saving in its own way. The first one, described in Part 1, helped a woman dare to hope that You could breathe Life back into a seemingly “dead” situation. The second one hit even closer to home.  In the second Encounter, You spared my

Divine Close Encounter – Part 1

I had two of those Close Encounters today, Lord… thanks to You.  Each one was, in its own way, life-saving. Isn’t that always true where You are concerned? “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have Life, and have it to the full.”  (John 10:10) The

The Woman In The Mirror

I am sleepy… but Awake. It is Morning.  It is Night. It is Any Hour.  It is Every Hour. Never Early.  Never Late. You are Always On Time. I look in The Mirror. I am wrinkled.  I am Wise. I am flawed.  I am Forgiven. I am Beautiful in Your Sight. A Living, Breathing, Walking,