One Drop in The Ocean

Winning the lottery.  One ticket chosen out of millions.  Like one drop in the ocean.

Yes, Lord… Your latest invitation would be just like winning the lottery.  Or so I imagine… as one who has never won any lottery.

Winning would require actually buying a ticket.   🙂

Sometimes the simplest thoughts reflect the most profound wisdom.  Thoughts like…  I will always miss 100% of the pitches I don’t swing at.  OR   I will never make 100% of the teams I fail to try out for.

That’s the key…isn’t it, Lord?  Or at least one of the keys.  Failing isn’t the missing part, or the not being selected part.  Failing is not even trying.

Maybe I’m just beginning to understand…

“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in loved, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and understanding.”  (Colossians 2:2-3)

I just “purchased” a lottery ticket of sorts.  All it “cost” me was the time it took to prepare my submission paperwork.  The “prize” is a speaking opportunity in 2017.

I imagine the submissions being somewhat like lottery tickets.  Thousands — or more? — flooding in from perhaps all over the world.  Countless, faceless, email applicants hoping to be chosen for one of only 16 available spots.

I wouldn’t have even heard about the opportunity if someone I know hadn’t sent it to me.  She had received the Request for Submission and thought of me.

“This sounds like you,” my friend said.  And it does…all thanks to You, Lord. Because it is all about having impactful messages to share with professional women, so they will be encouraged and empowered.

You have certainly written many such messages in my life, Lord!

Of course, sometimes, it isn’t just what we know… it’s who we know. And in this case, Lord — as is so often the case — the only One I know is You.  So this outcome is completely in Your hands.

And You know my heart.  Whatever happens here, I am already grateful beyond words for The Choice You have made on my behalf.  Because, by Your Grace, I have already won The Prize that is more priceless than any other!

“This is what the Lord says, He who created you… ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.'”  (Isaiah 43:1)

So, yes… My latest “lottery ticket” is like one drop in the ocean.  Funny.  That’s where the speaking venue will be.  Aboard a ship, cruising in the ocean.  How poetic!


A song lyric keeps popping into my mind.  Where is it from, Lord?  No matter. Because I will never forget — and will always treasure — its profound truth.

How much do You love us, Lord?  More than ALL the drops in the ocean!

Floating peacefully in the vastness…

Abba’s Girl

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