Even the Stones Will Cry Out…

Sometimes I wonder.  More often than not, by Your Amazing Grace, I just know.

Like the other day.  I heard the enemy’s whispers.  He’s always trying to sow doubt and discouragement, so he can reap a harvest of disappointment and disobedience.  He has some favorite one-liners:

“No one cares.”  “It doesn’t matter.”  “it won’t make any difference.”  “Why bother?”

I knew they were lies, Lord.  But sometimes, it’s nice to hear Your Voice countering the lies.

“Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”  (Isaiah 65:24)

That’s what You did for me the other day.  Before I even spoke my heart cry to You, there You were.  I walked into my office and saw two small stones in the middle of my desk.  They were not mine.  They had been given to another long ago.  I hadn’t seen them in well over a year.  Yet, suddenly, there they were… right in the middle of my desk.

Two small, smooth stones… like the ones I imagine David carried in his hand when he faced (and killed) the giant, Goliath. Two stones, with the very messages I needed to hear from You, Lord:


Sometimes I wonder.  More often than not, by Your Amazing Grace, I just know.  How did those stones get there?  On that particular day?  At that particular time?

It’s a mystery… or is it?

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a Voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'”  (Isaiah 30:21)


Abba’s Girl

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