Daring to SOAR!

You never cease to amaze me, Lord!!!

Everything You do, every detail You attend to, is part of a larger Work of Art.  Before You, I chalked up so much of what happened in my life to “blind luck” or “coincidence.”  Then, You gave me eyes to “see” Your Unseen Hand… and You have been “wowing” me ever since!

Several things have happened in the last several months that all came together today.  This Work of Art is not yet finished, but I can already tell it will become a beautiful symphony… with every Movement hand-crafted by the Master who composes and conducts with an unparalleled gift that brings out the very best in every Instrument.

In late February, You gave me a message to share with over sixty Christian women at a conference in Savannah.  A message of Hope and Encouragement that was all the more compelling because of the unlikely place where it was born — in one of Life’s darkest valleys… the Valley of the Shadow of Childhood Sexual Abuse. The Valley in which one in three girls and one in six boys in our country find themselves at some point before the age of eighteen.  For me, it began at age nine and ended at age ten.  One year of daily terror… followed by decades of life-draining (almost deadly) effects.

Oh, Beloved… How amazing it was — how deeply healing and radically freeing it was — when You met me there in 1994 and took me where it was impossible for me to go on my own!  So much priceless treasure after so many years — decades — of pain.  The Treasure of profound healing in my own heart.  The Treasure of my forgiveness for the one who had harmed me, and the opportunity to express that forgiveness to him.  The Treasure of the eternal salvation I am certain he accepted from You after You used me to tell him of Your love for him. Impossible outcomes in impossible circumstances… except for You.

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  (Matthew 19:26)

I will be forever grateful, Lord.  And now, You are taking me even deeper in healing… so I can rise even higher in helping.

About ten days ago, I went online to my Amazon account to order a book. Before I could place my order, I noticed I had a book “tagged” for a possible future purchase.  I honestly do not remember ever tagging this book.  One look at the title, and I knew You had led me to it.  Maybe You’re the One who tagged it for me?  It’s called HUSH, by Nicole Braddock Bromley (a fellow survivor of childhood sexual abuse).  It’s her testimony of what happened to her and how You led her to “impossible” healing and freedom.  The more I “vetted” her (through online video interviews produced by the Moody Institute), the more certain I became that I was to purchase her work now… for such a time as this.  Now, as I stand at the threshold of a door You have opened — a door that will lead me into this new season of deeper healing.

What “wowed” me even more than the timing of this divinely-tagged book was the title of the author’s companion workbook:  SOAR.  Why does this not surprise me, Lord?  🙂  What title had You given me for the message I shared in Savannah?  “Finding Your WINGS and daring to SOAR.”  Indeed.

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”  (Proverbs 16:22)

I get it, Lord.  I started reading HUSH today.  I start SOAR tomorrow.  Only You know the degree of healing I still need, Abba, and how deep You must take me to experience it.  I yield myself to You… eager for You to have Your way.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My loving eye on you…the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in Him.”  (Psalm 32:8,10b)

Gratefully Yours,

Abba’s Girl


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