Overflowing Joy

Lord Who Parts the Waters

Were You laughing as hard yesterday as we were, Abba?  In light of the head-shaking, mind-boggling, body-challenging difficulties we were encountering in our Once-in-a-Decade Adventure? Life at the margin.  That's where we were yesterday. "Margin:  a bare minimum below which or an extreme limit beyond which something becomes impossible or is no longer desirable."  (Merriam-Webster Online...
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Ready & Willing… Because YOU are Able!

Heart of My Heart, Once again, You have so filled me with Your Living Water that it has overflowed from my eyes... in tears of JOY! I just got off the phone with a newly-found Sister-in-Christ.  I met her ever-so-briefly several weeks ago, at a Christian street outreach.  She had helped organize the beautiful event...
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Making This New Year the Happiest EVER!

Lord, Lord, Lord... You are so KIND to me!!! I went to a luncheon today with lots of women!!! (As You know, we do this once a month, to "network" and encourage each other). There were at least eighty women there today -- some I know well and love dearly... some I met today for the first time... others were there...
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