Climbing Higher

Priceless Promptings

I remember the first "Heart Prompting" I ever sensed was from You, Lord.  I will treasure it always. It happened in 1986.  Thirteen months before I opened my heart to You for the very first time. I was in my second (and last) year of graduate school.  I was back in my hometown after almost...
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Mercies in Disguise

Why did you lead me here today, Lord?  Is it because I spent most of yesterday soaking in the terrible, wonderful Truth of Your Cross?  The place of the most horrific death ever, 2000+ years ago... now, the most beautiful symbol in the whole Universe? "He has appeared once for all at the culmination of...
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Redeemer of Missed Opportunities

Oh, Abba... Sometimes You answer my prayers so quickly, You take my breath away!  How is it, then, that I can so totally miss The Answer... even when it is staring me right in the face? This morning, our time together was sweet.  I can't even totally reconstruct how my "heart talk" with You went.  Sometimes, there...
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Lord Who Solves Every Riddle

What has no teeth, but lots of "bites"? What has no mouth, but won't stop talking?  :) What has no feet, but runs fast enough to reach the whole world in the blink of an eye? Answer:  Your NEW WEBSITE for the work You are calling me to do, Lord -- Champions of Destiny! By Your Abundant...
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Lord of Mistaken Identity

Sometimes I grieve deeply at the success Your enemy has had in misrepresenting You.  And how that "pendulum" can swing widely from one extreme to the other. I met a Christian recently who grew up in a church where all that was taught about You was anger and judgment and vengeance.  I can't help but...
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Lord of Everything Right

The Art of Being Wrong. Two days ago, we thought there was enough water in the Robinson River for a leisurely canoe ride.  Wrong.  Yesterday, we thought an 8.4-mile bike ride would work out the soreness in our leg muscles from "horsing" our canoe through the many places we had become grounded.  Wrong again. I spent...
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Never a Right Time for the Wrong Place

You and I have been in a conversation together for the past ten days.  A life-and-death conversation. This conversation became necessary because I had "let my guard down"... ever so slightly.  As a result, I was beginning to "dabble" in "old patterns."  "It's no big deal," I theorized.  I was wrong.  Suddenly, the "dabbling" became a portal...
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Gardener of Grace

Weeds. They had taken over our herb garden in the thirteen+ weeks we were gone.  The herbs had largely disappeared, but the weeds were THRIVING.  Some of them had grown several feet tall... like mini-trees, complete with branches. I spent a fair amount of today pulling those weeds up... and planting new herbs. Out with the...
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