
God of All Things WONDERFUL!

What a WONDERFUL day it has been!!! An intimate time at Your feet this morning.  A long list of tasks on my work and home "To Do" lists checked off.  Some key actions taken to further "touch" a few of those "Divine Appointments" You have orchestrated.  A happy kitty who, with a fair amount of freedom outside...
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Never a Right Time for the Wrong Place

You and I have been in a conversation together for the past ten days.  A life-and-death conversation. This conversation became necessary because I had "let my guard down"... ever so slightly.  As a result, I was beginning to "dabble" in "old patterns."  "It's no big deal," I theorized.  I was wrong.  Suddenly, the "dabbling" became a portal...
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Divine Appointment of Hope

Lord, Lord, Lord... Aside from just soaking in Your Presence, there's nothing I enjoy more than the gift of serving You.  By Your Amazing Grace, today You gave me just such an opportunity -- a Divine Appointment You had planned long ago. We went to church in the town of Madison this morning.  A Methodist Church.  We...
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Batter Up!

I must say:  Life with You -- "walking by faith" -- is The Adventure of a Lifetime! What are the metaphors that apply to what happened today?  Something that could radically change my future?  Being thrown a curve ball?  Thrown for a loop?  By something that came out of left field? I like the baseball analogy. ...
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Gardener of Grace

Weeds. They had taken over our herb garden in the thirteen+ weeks we were gone.  The herbs had largely disappeared, but the weeds were THRIVING.  Some of them had grown several feet tall... like mini-trees, complete with branches. I spent a fair amount of today pulling those weeds up... and planting new herbs. Out with the...
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Lord Who Sings to Me

Oh, Abba... You're so Amazing.  Surprising... yet Predictable. "In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help... He heard my voice... He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters."  (Psalm 18:6,16) You didn't wait long to send me Your...
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Windows to the Soul

I know just how You must have felt when You looked into the eyes of those whose hearts were hard towards You. I have looked into so many of those eyes -- the windows to the soul -- and seen those hard hearts. I saw a lot of them just last night. We were at...
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Making This New Year the Happiest EVER!

Lord, Lord, Lord... You are so KIND to me!!! I went to a luncheon today with lots of women!!! (As You know, we do this once a month, to "network" and encourage each other). There were at least eighty women there today -- some I know well and love dearly... some I met today for the first time... others were there...
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Pushing the Limits

You showed me my heart today. Funny how clearly I could see it... when, at the time, I was driving through a dense fog. I was on my way to Tampa for my second six-month check-up... this one, with the oncologist. The fog was so thick, I could hardly see the road ahead of me....
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Rising from the Ashes

"Get busy living..." I haven't yet sorted through the 2,700+ photos I took in The Land of the Midnight Sun. (Yes, it really was sunny at midnight... Weird!!! :) ] I finally got through the 250+ emails that were stacked up in my Inbox. Many were junkmail... some were treasures. One treasure was sent to...
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