A Spoon + A Pink Napkin

An odd vision, to be sure.

But that’s what popped into my mind as we were sharing our hearts this morning, Lord.

You were reassuring me.  In the heat of battle.  Reminding me of Your Overcoming Power. Your All-sufficient Grace.

I had just asked You how You resisted the devil after forty days in the wilderness.  Forty days without food or water.  At that point, Your physical body was much weaker than mine has ever been.  So much weaker… yet You were stronger.

That’s when the spoon appeared in my mind’s eye.  And the pink napkin.  Like gifts for me… from You.

It made no sense to me whatsoever!  So I asked, “What do they mean, Lord?”  And You answered me.

“Taste and see that I, the Lord, am good.”  That’s one of my favorite verses, Lord!  But You didn’t stop there.

You said, “Read the context of that verse.”  So I did.  And You served me more than just a “taste” of Your goodness!

“I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.”  (Psalm 34:1)

Even in the Valley of the Shadow of Cancer.

The napkin was pink.  I never used to like pink.  I have always been a “tom boy” of sorts. And blue has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember.

But ever since You led me intothrough, and out of the wilderness of breast cancer, pink has had a very special place in my heart, Lord.  It reminds me that I encountered You in that wilderness in ways that would not have been possible anywhere else.

Maybe pink is my “new blue.”   🙂

“I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.  I sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.”  (Psalm 34:2-4)

Just yesterday, I was talking with a newly-acquainted business associate.  Somehow — by Your leading, no doubt — our conversation turned to professional credentials.

We both have master’s level business degrees.  But in the work You have called me to do, Lord, my “PhD” was earned in the School of Hard Knocks.  So we talked briefly about that Valley of the Shadow.

She remarked, “It must have been so unbelievably scary for you.”  It’s a natural assumption most people would make.

But there’s nothing “natural” about You… is there, Lord?  Life with You is such a mosaic of Mystery and Miracle and Majesty. Somehow — perhaps through my whole lifetime up to that point — You had prepared me for that season.

So my heart would be filled to overflowing with FAITH.  So there was no room for fear.

“Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.  This poor [woman] called, and the Lord saved [her] out of all [her] troubles.”  (Psalm 4:5-6)

You don’t always remove the troubles, Lord.  Sometimes they are the consequences of poor choices we have made.  Sometimes they come at us without warning, and without any invitation on our part.  But You are always with us in the midst of any trouble.

As a very present Help.

“The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.”  (Psalm 34:7)

Not “an” angel.  The Angel of the Lord.  You, Lord!  Encamped around me!

Even in The Wilderness… where a “way out” too often seems elusive, if not impossible. Even on The Battlefield… where my foe too often seems overwhelming, if not invincible.

Until You come, Lord…. and make All The Difference.

My Refuge and my Deliverer.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”  (Psalm 34:8)

You set a table before me — a feast of Your Radiant Glory.

Even in the presence of my enemies.

You give me a spoon and a pink napkin.

And I am at peace.

Abba’s Girl


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